Treicheln VZV Sumiswald

Swiss Bells

All of our bell straps are embroidered or carved by hand in our workshop. Each piece is one of a kind and can be decorated according to your wishes. Here we will show you a selection of our diverse range of products.

The bells are crafted by various foundries in Switzerland.

Glocke mit Edelweiss und Wappen Schweiz Bern

Glocken mit handbestickten Edelweissriemen, Wappen Kanton oder Schweiz 

Artikel Nr






 Diameter of  Bell 

15 cm

16 cm

17 cm

20 cm

21 cm

 Width of Strap 

7 cm

8 cm

9 cm

10 cm

11 cm

Total Height 

47 cm

49 cm

52 cm

55 cm

60 cm

Total Weight

1.65 kg

2 kg

2.5 kg

3.4 kg

3.8 kg

Total Price (Swiss Francs)






Glocken mit handgestickten Arnikablumen auf dem Riemen.

Die Blumen können in Weiss, Gelb oder Blau gestickt werden.
Wappen Kanton oder Schweiz.

Item Nr.

Arnika Bla18

Arnika Bla20

Arnika Bla25

Arnika Bla26

Arnika Bla27

Diameter of  Bell

14 cm

15 cm

17 cm

19 cm

20.5 cm

Width of Strap

7 cm

8 cm

9 cm

10 cm

11 cm

Total Height.

47 cm

49 cm

52 cm

54 cm

56 cm

Total Weight

1.8 kg

2 kg

2.8 kg

3.7 kg

4.2 kg

Total Price (Swiss Francs)






Farbenfroh und Bunt

Die Einfassung der Riemen und die Blumen können Ihrem Logo, Kantonswappen, Gemeindewappen oder Ihren Firmenfarben angepasst werden.

ll these bells can be changed in size and design, which results in price changes. We will be happy to customise your bell according to your wishes, ideas and budget.
The lettering and engravings, special coats of arms are not included in the prices quoted.

The delivery time can be extended to four months for individual bells due to the overload in the foundries.
Please contact us and we will endeavour to find the fastest and best possible solution.

All prices are approximate and subject to change.